Discover Your Purpose

Coryell Community Church's Growth Track is designed to help you find your place within CCC. Growth Track is made up of three steps which equip you to know, discover, and connect with us as a church family.

Track 1: KNOW

Jesus said the greatest command was to love the Lord your God with all your heart and to love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:36-40). During this session you will learn how to KNOW God and KNOW Coryell Community Church.


God created you with a purpose. During this session we will help you DISCOVER how your design and circumstances help reveal that purpose, and where those gifts fit in best at Coryell Community Church.

Track 3: CONNECT

God's desire for you is to not only CONNECT with Him, but to be a part of His mission. We at CCC believe this is best accomplished by coming together as a team. During this session you will find your place to serve within Coryell Community Church.

Want to sign up for Growth Track or have questions?

Fill out the form below to get started.